Changing the narrative of dementia. one disco at a time.
We organise free-to-attend, regular discos for people with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Come for a night out full of life, laughter and music.
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Make a donation
Support our work by making one-off or monthly donations. 100% of your gift goes towards supporting our discos.
Run your own disco
We’re always on the lookout for volunteers who would like to run their own discos so we can expand our joyful events to new locations and communities.
Volunteer with us
Regular discos
We hold monthly discos in the Stockport, UK, area at the weekends, in the early evenings. They are free to attend, and we provide a free meal. Carers, friends and family welcome.
See events
Mobile discos
We bring discos to care homes for people who are unable to attend a venue-based disco. If you are a care home and would like to know more please get in touch.
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